Friday, July 05, 2024

1976 Yamaha SB-800 Super Bass | Part 4

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Yamaha SB-800 | Body-Mounted Hardware

This post begins with the chrome neck plate on this SB-800, which features three inscriptions. Uppermost is the three-tuning-fork Yamaha logo, followed by the words "Yamaha" and "Made in Japan"; both in uppercase. Although all four mounting screws show signs of rust, this plate has stood the test of time.

Original Yamaha Japan Neck Plate

Next up is a gold-plated bridge, and right below it, three plugged screw holes. This tells you right away that this is not the original bridge. As luck would have it, I've managed to locate an image of the original bridge on a 1977 SB-800 in Natural [NT].

This SB-800 | Gold-Plated Bridge

1977 SB-800 Bridge. ©2024 Topshelf Instruments.

In my adventures across the web, I've come across many SB basses that have had the original black speed knobs swapped out for a set of chrome dome knobs. Such is the case with this SB-800. The three chrome knobs seen below are retrofits. Do compare them with the original knobs on the 1977 SB-800.

This SB-800 | Chrome Dome Knobs

1977 SB-800 Speed Knobs. ©2024 Topshelf Instruments.

Last but not least, let's look at the "mushroom head" strap buttons on this SB-800. After thoroughly researching images of SB basses online, I believe that these strap buttons and their screws are original.

Original Strap Button - Upper Horn

Original Strap Button - Rear End

Yamaha SB-800 | Pickups

The two J-style pickups on this SB-800 are definitely original. As such, the neck pickup would be an S-I "single-bobbin", and the bridge, an S-II. As measured, the S-I DCR reads 7.89K, and the S-II, 7.68K. Finding the lower bridge DCR value rather peculiar, I've taken repeated readings; only to end up with similar results.  

Neck [S-I] and Bridge [S-II] Pickups

Neck [S-I] Pickup DCR

Bridge [S-II] Pickup DCR

Yamaha SB-800 | Electronics

Right off the bat, allow me to state that the original electronics on this SB-800 are no more. What's in the control cavity today are three "Made in Japan" A500K full-sized pots, a 0.047uF poly tone cap, and Switchcraft #11 output jack. The pots were a little scratchy initially, but are back in shape after a fair amount of TLC and elbow grease.

This SB-800 | Electronics

Control Cavity

"Made in Japan" A500K Pots

Tone Cap and Output Jack

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