Wednesday, July 03, 2024

1976 Yamaha SB-800 Super Bass | Part 2

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Getting to Know This Yamaha SB-800

Folks, allow me to introduce a Yamaha SB-800 Super Bass that's in the shop for electronics servicing and a setup. The current owner recalls first seeing it in 1976 at the Gambang Chinese Recreation Club, back when he was a wee lad of ten. He's also been kind enough to share a few pics from his photo album, as seen below. These pics are from the '80s, I've been told.

SB-800, circa '80s. Image Credit: Lai King Kok.

SB-800, July 1985. Image Credit: Lai King Kok.

It's apparent from the pics above that the bass was originally a sunburst. Along the way, it's changed hands a number of times. And somewhere down the line, someone thought it would be a great idea to strip off the sunburst finish; leaving it as it looks today.

The SB-800 Today

Yamaha SB-800 | Body

The body of this SB-800 currently features a transparent brown finish which reveals the grain underneath. Based on catalog specs, the body wood should be alder. Looking closer, one can see that this body is made up of four pieces of wood, closely matched in terms of grain pattern; and glued together.

Transparent Brown Finish

Close-Up of Grain Pattern - Front

SB-800 Body - Rear View

Close-Up of Grain Pattern - Back

In profile view, one can see that the body of this SB-800 is actually a "sandwich" of two layers of wood. This layering is especially apparent on the inside of the horns and all along the sides of the body. 

Upper Horn - Layers Clearly Visible

Side of Body - Layers Clearly Visible

You'll be pleased to know that the SB-800 body is not constructed from plywood. Removing the neck affords a clear view of the neck pocket, revealing solid wood. Speaking of revelations, I've saved the best for last. See those two identical "SB 700 BL" ink stamps? The "SB 700" indicates that this is actually a Yamaha SB-700 body, and "BL" tells us that it was finished in black. Will wonders never cease?

Definitely Solid Wood

Identical Neck Pocket Stamps

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