This cruddy, grimy and rust-infested Warnell LP-Style Solidbody was sent in for servicing and setup. However, before it could be serviced properly, all components needed to be disassembled. A task which turned out to be easier said than done.
For one, several rusty pickup ring screws had become embedded in the body wood and were refusing to budge. I ended up having to gouge them out, plug the holes; and drill new pilot holes.
Next was the task of removing age-hardened crud and grime. I'm glad to say that Zippo Lighter Fluid, Autosol Metal Polish, Gibson Guitar Polish and lots of elbow grease took care of the problem. Meanwhile, the electronics were working fine and only needed a couple squirts of electrical contact cleaner.
After straightening the neck, I discovered quite a number of high frets. This just would not do, and so fret dressing was carried out on all frets. Following this, the rosewood fretboard was cleaned with Zippo Lighter Fluid and conditioned with Dunlop 65 Lemon Oil.
With the frets leveled and recrowned, the Warnell was strung with D'Addario EXL110s. After tuning up, I realized that the stock black plastic nut was rather worn, and several slots were too deep. This resulted in open string buzzing. After evaluating the situation, I decided to simply replace the stock nut and take it from there.
Warnell Headstock |
Body | Upper Half |
Body | Lower Half |
What's Under the Pickguard |
What's Under the Control Knobs |
Stubborn Neck Pickup Ring Screw |
Stubborn Bridge Pickup Ring Screw |
Rusty Screws and Springs |
Hardware Disassembled for Servicing |
Polishing the Tuners |
Harware Servicing Completed |
Neck Pickup Reinstalled |
Bridge Pickup Reinstalled |
Fretwork | Fretboard Taped Off |
Fret Leveling in Progress |
Checking the Frets After Leveling |
Recrowning in Progress |
Conditioning the Fretboard with Lemon Oil |
Tuners Reinstalled |
D'Addario EXL110 Strings |
New Nut Installed and Reprofiled |
Good to Go |
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