Sunday, February 05, 2023

Mclorence S-105F | Servicing and Upgrades

The Mclorence S-105F is a clone, make no mistake about that. Looking at the bird inlays, I'm sure you can guess the inspiration for this guitar. In any case, it's constructed from solid wood, plays reasonably well and appears to be only available from retailers in Thailand.

This S-105F came in for servicing, electronics upgrade and fretwork. The first task was to remove all the hardware for a thorough cleaning and polishing. Electronics-wise, the stock mini pots, toggle switch and output jack were all replaced. Of course, a new wiring job was also required. Fretwork involved fret dressing and fretboard conditioning. In the pictures below, you'll see me working on the 20th and 21st frets. Finally, do listen to a short demo of this Mclorence S-105F on SoundCloud.

Bridge Needs Servicing

Rusty Toggle Switch

Gnarly Soldering

Mini Pot

Rusty Output Jack

Hardware and Electronics

Shielded Pickup Cavities

Servicing the Bridge

Bridge After Servicing

Upgraded Components and Wiring

Switchcraft Output Jack

Checking the Frets

Frets 20 and 21 Marked

Fret Dressing in Progress

Polishing the Frets

Final Setup


Thank you for dropping by. All comments are highly appreciated.