Saturday, September 23, 2023

Samick Royale RL1 | Part 4

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

September 23 Update

Finished fret dressing this afternoon. The fretboard has been cleaned and treated with Dunlop Formula 65 Fretboard Ultimate Lemon Oil. I'll let the fretboard soak up as much as it can, and then wipe off the excess. Meanwhile, tuner servicing has concluded. The Grover™ A102C tuners and bushings are clean enough to be reinstalled. However, the washers are another story. But no worries, as I've found six shiny new replacements. Now, remember the grimy Sung Il BM002 bridge? Well, it's been cleaned and lubed; but to no avail. As you can see in the pics below, much of the chrome has flaked off and rust has penetrated deep into the saddles. I'm currently looking for a suitable replacement. That's about it for now, folks. Do stay tuned for more updates.

Frets have just been leveled

Fret dressing about done

Letting the fretboard soak up some oily goodness

Dunlop Formula 65 Lemon Oil

Grover™ A102C tuners and bushings after servicing

Old tuner washers are on the left

The Sung Il BM002 bridge will not be reinstalled

Here are the bridge and stopbar posts

This bridge post definitely needs to be replaced

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