Welcome to the fifth and final post on a custom Explorer-style five-string bass makeover. The refinish is finally complete and shielding has been taken care of. It's now time to install the electronics and hardware, reassemble the beast, string her up; and see what she sounds like.
DCR readings for the seemingly-identical humbuckers are 16.21K and 17.94K. I've put the one with the higher DCR in the bridge position. The electronics comprise three Alpha A500K pots (Volume/Volume/Tone), a 0.033uF tone cap; and Neutrik/Rean NYS229 output jack. This custom bass is tuned A E A D F# (low to high).
To listen to what this Explorer-style bass sounds like straight into a Laney RB2 with the EQ flat, check out this SoundCloud audio file. I'm only playing on the E, A and D strings as I'm all at sea where the low A and high F# are concerned ;)
Although it has taken me nearly eight months to complete this makeover; it's been time well spent and a valuable learning experience. Thank you for supporting me thus far, and I hope you'll visit from time to time to check on what I've been up to. As always, stay home, stay safe; and God bless.