Saturday, November 28, 2020

MIJ Squier Silver Series Stratocaster | Part Three

Part One | Part Two | Part Three

Here is the third and final post on this totally awesome MIJ Squier Silver Series Stratocaster. Happy owner Enche' Nodi dropped by after the photoshoot and entertained me with a bit of spanky cleaned-toned stratolicious noodling. I managed to shoot a short video of Enche Nodi's adventures in Stratland; which you may view HERE. Well, folks, that's about it for this post. Thanks for visiting. Stay home, stay safe; and God bless.




  1. Good work! You have one of the "good" ones made of wood. Mine weighs almost 9 lbs.

  2. Thanks. It's a lovely guitar. I hope you will get used to yours soon.


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