Sunday, April 18, 2021

Ibanez RG370AHMZ | Part Two

In the previous post on this gorgeous Ibanez RG370AHMZ, I highlighted some of its more pertinent specifications. Now, in this post, we'll take a closer look at the Edge Zero II tremolo bridge, ZPS3Fe "counter-tension tuning stabilizer system;" and also the control cavity components.

The Edge Zero II tremolo bridge consists of a cast alloy base plate, individual saddles; and fine tuners. As a "double-locking tremolo" system, the bridge works in conjunction with a locking nut. But you knew that already, right?

Meanwhile, the ZPS3Fe "counter-tension tuning stabilizer system" consists of two "sub springs," string stopper, stop rod and spring adjustment knob. Ibanez believes that the ZPS3Fe helps to "ensure tuning stability" by returning the tremolo more "quickly and accurately" to the neutral position when the tremolo arm is released. 

I'm no expert on tremolos and such, but I do say that the ZPS3Fe works as it should and saves a lot of time and labor during setup. For one, the spring adjustment knob and stop rod eliminate the need for fiddling around with screwdrivers or tapered wooden blocks. 

The control cavity appears to be shielded with conductive shielding paint, and the inside of the cover with aluminum foil. Components include an Ibanez 3SWLSP5 five-way switch and two dime-sized Alpha (Korea) pots.

Now, what does the Ibanez RG370AHMZ sound like? To answer that question, do check out any of these great YouTube videos:



  1. Wow! This Ibanez term system looks like a work of engineering art - complicated yet providing fine adjustment parameters!! 👍

    1. Yes indeed. It works as it should and the zero point system really speeds up setup.


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