Monday, September 24, 2018

1984 Ibanez Roadstar II Restoration: Part One


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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four

Here's an instrument that's been played to death. There's even a deep mark on the upper waist that looks like someone hacked it with a machete. The neck on this guitar says "Roadstar II," and the neck plate serial number indicates that it "was made at the Terada Plant, Japan on April, 1984" (Guitar Dater Project). 

The neck appears to be from either a 1984 production RS 130, 135 or 225, based on these specs: (i) 1 piece maple neck, (ii) 22 frets, (iii) 25.5" scale length, (iv) graphite nut, and (v) Smooth Tuner II machine heads ("84 RoadstarII Standard Series" catalog, p.2). All these features appear to be stock.

The only non-stock feature is the mirror pickguard, which a previous owner had added for looks, I presume. The body features routing for 2 humbuckers, "Dead End" strap buttons, and a "Brass I" hardtail bridge. However, the only Roadstar II with a Brass I bridge is the RS130, but it has 3 single coils ("84 RoadstarII Standard Series" catalog, pp. 2-3). That means this body cannot be from an RS130.

The closest matches to this body I've found are (i) a BL-50 (1981 "Ibanez Electric Guitars" catalog, pp. 10-11) and (ii) a BL170 ("82 Ibanez Blazer and Studio Series Electric Guitars" catalog, pp. 4-5). The BL-50 features a solid mahogany body, and the BL170; solid ash.

Now, having removed the black paint job (apparently stock) and veneer on both the front and back, the body appears to be solid wood (3 pieces). However, it certainly is not mahogany or ash. So it couldn't be a BL-50 or BL170. In that case, what is it?

At my wits end, I turned to the good folk at the Ibanez Forum for help. Sad to say, no one there was able to identify the guitar either. On the bright side, a helpful soul did suggest that this Roadstar II could be a one-off model that never made it to the catalog. I think I'll go with that. So here it is, folks; a 1984 Ibanez Roadstar II.

This restoration involved bodywork and refinishing, a full refret, a new custom made pickguard (thank you ArchSign), and electronics upgrade; amongst other things. This post offers the reader an overview of this diamond in the rough.


  1. I need bridge for mine.

    1. So sorry. Blogger did not notify me about your message. I just noticed it. Email me at

  2. I need a headstock decal for an Ibanez roadstar ii 1986 rg 440 , it’s the knife blade one could you help me out it’s my favorite guitar , my email is

    1. Please email me directly at Blogger did not notify me about your message. My humblest apologies for this oversight.


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