Monday, March 10, 2025

February 27, 2025 | WhatsApp Chat With Ivon Smith


Ivon Smith, being the consummate guitar player he is, had the audience totally mesmerized at a gig in Little India on February 26, 2025. They were not the only ones, though. Across the miles, this writer was equally in awe of Ivon's flair, raw power, feel, and tone. Here's a clip from that gig. Enjoy!

After watching the clip above, I just had to know more about his rig, especially that blue headless guitar, which looks a lot like a Kiesel. He'd also used that guitar at last year's Blues Jam Session @Jao Tim KL. 

As the next day dawned, off went a WhatsApp message from yours truly to Mr. Smith. In the conversation that ensued, this kind-hearted gentleman shared his "philosophy of tone," for want of a better term, his approach towards achieving the sounds he hears in his head, lots of detailed information on the gear he uses; as well as clear images of said gear.

Ivon Smith's Stereo Rig

For starters, here's our maestro's stereo rig. Visible in the image is a Kiesel Vader fitted with a Fishman PRO-TRP-302 TriplePlay Wireless MIDI Guitar Controller. Ivon presumably uses the PRO-TRP-302 to control virtual instruments on computers, tablets, or smartphones. We also see two amp heads sitting atop Barefaced Reformer 112 speaker cabinets. The amp on the left is a DV Little GH 250 Tube, and the right, a JOYO Bantamp XL Tweedy.

Ivon Smith's Stereo Rig

Kiesel Vader with Fishman PRO-TRP-302

L-R: DV Little GH 250, JOYO Bantamp XL


Chat Transcript

Cikgu Aziz
That guitar sounds just awesome. You were using it at Jao Tim too. Is it a Kiesel?

Ivon Smith
Yes, a Kiesel Vader. Amp is a Hotone BritWind pedal amp into a Barefaced 1x12 cab and DI out to front desk. Also, FX is a Boss Katana:GO.

Hotone BritWind Dual Channel Floor Amplifier

Cikgu Aziz
Ah, a very portable setup. Sounds like a stack. The Hotone BritWind must have loads of juice on tap to drive two 1x12 cabs.

Ivon Smith
With two cabs, 75W.

Cikgu Aziz
That's powerful.

Ivon Smith
It's basically a two-channel modeler. Vox AC30 and Marshall Plexi.

Cikgu Aziz
Your clean tones must be awesome too with this amp.

Ivon Smith
Yep. I like using clean tones to drive distortion sometimes.

Cikgu Aziz
You are a true-blue Clapton/Beck/Hendrix/Gilmour/Young old school tone hound, sir.

Ivon Smith
I do love that sound these days. I have a 1996 Mesa Engineering V-Twin Tube Preamp pedal. I love that. Plus the Ceriatone Centura Professional Overdrive.

L-R: Ceriatone Centura, Mesa Boogie V-Twin

Cikgu Aziz
Boy oh boy, you've got me salivating. Which begs the question, how different is your gear setup for gigs, as opposed to jams?

Ivon Smith
I like to keep it portable and easy but authentic still for jams and gigs. If I have nice tone and volume, I play much better and get happy. Valves in the chain anywhere is best for me, if possible.

Cikgu Aziz
Very practical and logical approach. Is it easy to source replacement valves in KL?

Ivon Smith
I have to order them - these are classic AX7s but by Mesa Boogie.

Cikgu Aziz
Oh yes, ECC83s. What are your preferences for output valves? EL34 or 6L6?

Ivon Smith
Usually I like my OD tone to be more velvety smooth. I adore Santana's tone so 6s, even 6L6s. But right now I don't have any all-valve amps, only pre amp stages in amps or pedals. The Electro-Voice EVM-12S speaker in my cab delivers a huge round powerful tone - that helps.

Cikgu Aziz
I see. I guess that's because 6L6s have a higher headroom than EL34s. Thanks, man. You're schooling me well, and I'm learning so much. Danke schon, sir.

Ivon Smith
No problem, you're more than welcome.

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