Thursday, May 30, 2024

SX SE3 Needs Some Help | Part 2

Part 1


At a glance, the medium jumbo nickel silver frets on this SE3 appear to be in good shape. However, closer visual inspection and checking with a fret rocker reveal numerous flat spots and high frets. This being the case, the entire length of the fretboard needs to be worked on. Yes, it's time for a full fret level and crown. Now, while I was removing the synthetic bone nut, it snapped in two. So, we'll be adding a new bone nut to the to-do list.

Broken Synthetic Bone Nut

High Frets Identified and Marked

Fretboard Taped Off

Fret Leveling in Progress

Fret Leveling Completed

Recrowning the Frets

Abrading and Polishing the Frets

Fretwork Completed

Finishing Touches

This section will not feature a detailed pictorial, and for that I apologize profusely. Anyhow, let's start with shielding matters. The toggle switch cavity has been left unshielded as it's really tight and I do not want to risk any of the lugs shorting out against the cavity wall. This leaves the control cavity and cover, which have been shielded with conductive paint and copper foil, respectively. Wiring-wise, there's only a pic of the control cavity before the pickups and output jack were installed. Besides the two new humbuckers, other upgraded components include Alpha A500K pots and a Switchcraft #11 output jack. Finally, I should mention that the owner has high hopes for his SE3, and has even provided a genuine Gibson Gear hardshell case for its comfort and protection.

Control Cavity Shielding

Testing Shielding Connectivity

Rewiring in Progress

Toggle Switch Wired In

Bridge and Tailpiece Bushings Installed

Test Fitting the New Bridge and Tailpiece

Safe and Sound in a Gibson Gear Hardshell Case


  1. love what you have done to my old guitar.. try it last nite and its really awesome .. like it so much. . Thanks a lot bro ..

    1. I'm so happy to hear this. You're always welcome 🤗


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