Saturday, January 02, 2021

1984 Ibanez RoadstarII RS130 Fret Dressing

The first time I worked on this vintage RS130 was way back in 2016. That was a major overhaul involving a full refret and refinish, as I recall. Since then, I've worked on the guitar a couple times, one of them to replace the stock Super 5 pickups with a set of Fender Tex-Mex™ Strat single-coils.

It was now here for a fret dressing [level, recrown and polish] as the guitar had seen a lot of use and the frets were not only full of divots; but worn flat in numerous places. After straightening the maple neck with a little judicious truss rod tweaking, the fretboard was taped off. The frets were then leveled using an aluminum sanding beam, with extra effort taken to incorporate a "fall-away" into the upper frets. Following this, the tops of the frets were re-crowned carefully; and the frets abraded and polished. Finally, the guitar was strung with Ernie Ball Super Slinkys and set up in the usual manner.

Besides fretwork, this guitar's electronics needed a thorough check-up. As it turned out, everything worked fine after servicing, save for the five-way switch; which was replaced. Then there was the matter of rusty pickup height adjustment and pickguard screws; which had to be put out to pasture. Oh yes, the Tex-Mex pickups were also treated to a fresh set of pickguard tubing.

Let's see. Have I left anything out? No, I think not. And so, I humbly take my leave. Thanks for checking in, I deeply appreciate your doing so. Till we meet again, stay home, stay safe; and God bless :)

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